SMSF Specialist Audit Group

SMSF Specialist Audit Group is an independent business of Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) audit specialists.

We provide a SMSF comprehensive audit services to accounting firms, SMSF administrators, Financial Planning Groups and Trustee’s Australia wide and are Australia’s most experienced providers of SMSF auditing services. Whilst we are not registered tax agents and do not provide any business, taxation or financial advice, you can rely on us to provide you with the most dynamic and comprehensive SMSF audit advice from a leader in the industry. As all of our auditors have worked for the Australian Taxation Office in this area, we have comprehensive knowledge and experience that cannot be found in other SMSF audit providers.

SMSF - Specialist Audit Group

SMSF Audit Checklist

Operating a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) takes considerable time and effort as there is numerous government regulations that you need to be aware of and ensure they are on your checklist. At every stage of operating your SMSF, it’s highly important that you keep track of things and the recommended way is by using a checklist.

SMSF - Specialist Audit Group

SMSF Audit Services

At SMSF Specialist Audit Group, we provide SMSF comprehensive audit services to accounting firms, SMSF administrators, Financial Planning Groups and Trustee’s Australia wide.

SMSF - Specialist Audit Group

SMSF Audit Fees

At SMSF Specialist Audit Group our fees have been set with the knowledge that we use cutting edge technology and methods during the auditing process.

At SMSF Specialist Audit Group, we understand that being in business is all about building solid networks and relationships with people and businesses you can trust. Moreover, we have identified that the role of the SMSF auditor is one that you should have access to all year and should form a key person in delivering the value-added service to your clients. As such, we are available at no additional cost to your business when you need us which ensures ongoing compliance is maintained. Furthermore, you and your clients will feel safe and secure knowing that we have the expertise and experience to work with you through any issues that may arise.

Importantly, SMSF Specialist Audit Group has access to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) through the SMSF Auditors Professional to Professional Support Service which deals with regulatory matters. This service provides you with direct access to senior technical officers in the ATO and can provide clear guidance in some of those complex situations that arise from time to time.

Limited Liability by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


Accountant and Financial Planner in New York

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Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis.



This section shows some of our latest news

Latest News

Applying Segregated CGT Relief

Technical Team, SMSF Association Now that 1 July 2017 has passed, applying CGT relief is at the forefront of every advisor’s...

Expectations of Hiring an SMSF Auditor | SMSF Audit Group

Expectations of Hiring an SMSF Auditor Self-managed super funds (SMSF) are considered ‘do-it-yourself funds’ as they are a superannuation trust fund...

SMSF Association Valuation Guidelines For SMSFs

Since the 2012-13 income year, SMSFs have been required to use market value reporting for their financial accounts and statements....

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    Limited Liability by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation