SMSF Audit Services

choosing smsfs

Why are more people choosing self-managed super funds?

Why are more people choosing self-managed super funds?

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Valuation Sign SMSF Association Valuation Guidelines

SMSF Association Valuation Guidelines For SMSFs

Since the 2012-13 income year, SMSFs have been required to use market value reporting for their financial accounts and statements. The current valuation guidelines apply as per normal for CGT Relief and valuations for the Transfer Balance Cap and Total Superannuation Balance. Here, SMSF Audit Group presents the SMSF Association Valuation Guidelines as per the SMSF Association PDF.

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smsf auditor expectations

Expectations of Hiring an SMSF Auditor | SMSF Audit Group

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By choosing a registered SMSF auditor, you can be assured that your SMSF auditing will be completed professionally, whilst you continue to concentrate on the more important things such as working with your clients.

Our clients are pleased to use SMSF Specialist Audit Group as their SMSF auditor and value our industry leading experience and independence. Our clients appreciate our efficiency, quality and cost effective SMSF services.

By selecting us to assist your business, you can feel secure in building a relationship with us knowing that we have the expertise and experience to work with both you and your clients.

With all our clients, we strive to provide the highest level of professional service, which enables your business to receive quality SMSF auditing and analysis.

Being in business is all about building solid networks and relationships with people or businesses you can trust. At SMSF Specialist Audit Group, we provide SMSF comprehensive audit services to accounting firms, SMSF administrators, Financial Planning Groups and Trustee’s Australia wide.


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Self Managed Superannuation Fund audits has become one of the Australian Taxation Offices (ATO) number one targets. With more than 16 years of industry leading experience and knowledge, you can be rest assured that our auditing service is second to none. Our SMSF auditing service ensures that your business reduces your risk and liability, by working with an industry leading business.