Our focus is a holistic approach, we will work with you and your clients at all times throughout the year not just when the audit is sent to us, we want to ensure breaches of the Superannuation Legislation are kept to a minimum. We are always available to discuss potential, current investments and differing strategies you and your clients are looking to use or have used within their SMSF to ensure that problems don’t come back to haunt you and them in the future.
There is no additional fee for this service.


We are also one of the lucky few businesses that have access to the ATO through the SMSF Auditors Professional to Professional Support Service which deals with regulatory matters. This service provides you with direct access to senior technical officers in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) who will respond to queries about technical issues we have identified within the audit process, while we can offer an opinion the ATO can give clear guidance in some of those grey area situations that tend to appear. The ATO will provide guidance on SMSF regulatory issues and can also provide support to resolve any SMSF administrative issues where other channels don’t exist.